
A little  bit about UK_Spaderz

The UK_SpaderZ is now one of the oldest Spades clubs around. We started off life as theBrit Spaders, way back in October 2002, with  the aim of providing a home for all British Spaders who enjoy a fun and competitive game.

We play spades tournaments in World gaming Centre, which tend to run most hours of the day and night. We are a small friendly club, who are very competitive and have a good reputation for being both fair and polite. All the players in the tournament rooms are generally well behaved and we do not suffer from swearing, quitters and flooders that you see in the rated rooms ...

The club is made up entirely of British players. This means that we are all online at roughly the same time and usually we have no problem finding another club member to partner. Many of our members found this to be a problem with pre-dominantly American based clubs. All our members proudly sport a UK_ prefix on their WGC nickname.

If you are interested in joining our club please complete an application form . Both new and experienced players are welcome to apply and we have members willing to help anyone who is unsure of tournament procedures. The only criteria is that you must be British or based in Britain.